Me at three miles left on my Grand Canyon Rim2Rim.

Currently a Project Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the Terrestrial Sciences Section. Previously held postdoctoral positions at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Northern Arizona University.

Obtained my PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia (supervised by Hank Shugart) and my BA in Environmental Sciences, also from UVA. My dissertation work involved investigating the combined effects of spruce beetle outbreaks and climate change in western US forests through ecological modeling and remote sensing.

I enjoy developing scientific code for mechanistic modeling, as well as useful analysis and processing scripts. I am proficient in Fortran, Python, and R. I am experienced in utilizing high-performance clusters for large data analysis and modeling, and analysis of remote sensing data and imagery in R and Google Earth Engine. I also enjoy utilizing 3-D modeling and animation software for data visualization and science communication.

I love hiking, skiing, reading, video games, baking, and playing music. I sang in a jazz band in college and am currently learning jazz and bluegrass fiddle. In 2020 I completed a Rim-to-Rim hike of the Grand Canyon. In September 2022 I became a mother to a beautiful, hilarious, cuddly baby girl and it's easily the coolest, most amazing thing I've ever done. I also have two adorable cats, Pascal and Higgs.


You can email me or find me on Twitter if you want to get in touch.